Oscypek -Smoked ewe’s milk cheese

Oscypek – what it is?

Oscypek is a type of cheese made in special, decorated molds. It is smoked afterwards. The name of the cheese in Polish „oscypek” comes from the undertaking oriented towards separating wooden forms in order to get the cheese out of them.

The said food product has a characteristic, fusiform shape.

It may be troublesome to purchase the discussed cheese outside of the season, which is from May to October. It is caused by the fact that the said food product is made of ewe’s milk and the animals are pastured during the spring and summer only.

How does oscypek taste?

Oscypek has a characteristic taste, is relatively salty and should be a bit spongy while consuming it.

Oscypek – Polish Regional Product

Since 2007, the cheese has enjoyed the status of Polish Regional Product, which means that it has been protected by European Union laws. The provisions of the applicable law regulations specify how much ewe’s and cow’s milk can be used to produce a traditional product. What is more, the cheese selling period is also regulated (May-October).

While in Cracow outside the specified season, you can still, however, try the discussed cheese. In all honesty, it will not be the traditional one, as sellers are not allowed to use the same trademark, but it will be a similar food product made out of cow’s milk entirely of having a bit of ewe’s milk in it. Typically, sellers will inform you about the proportions used.

Nevertheless, you do not need to be a milk specialist while trying to get hold of a smoked ewe’s milk cheese. You just have to indicate if you want a milder or a spicier one and specify whether you like salty meals or not. It has to be indicated at this point that oscypek tastes exceptionally good while warmed up as well.

Smaller portions of the cheese in question can be bought grilled and covered in cranberries. Bigger ones can be prepared by yourself by slicing the cheese and putting it into the oven or on a hot frying pan.

During the Christmas season, you may come across food products of the said king shaped like lambs or ewes.

Oscypek’s prices

The price of oscypek is highly dependent on the milk used to produce it. Typical ones made our of cow’s or mixed milk are about 1.5-2.5 PLN. The price of bigger ones starts from 10 PLN.

Where can you buy oscypek?

Oscypek can be bought in Grodzka Street, near to the Temida Milk Bar, in a tunnel next to the Main Station, as well as in local markets – Kleparz and Hala Targowa.

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