
Tatar steak – tatar

The origins of this dish are strictly connected with the tribe of Tartars, who exacted their toll on the Polish nation. History of tatar steak As it is believed, the tatar steak was initially made out of horse tenderloin, which was transported by Tartars under their saddles. Such a transportation made is possible to make […]


Poland has a rich history of alcohol production. Today, we would like to encourage you to try one of national specialties – mead. It is an alcoholic beverage made from honey that is additionally fermented. Typically lime honey is used to produce mead. It should be also pointed out, that the national mead has been […]

Oscypek -Smoked ewe’s milk cheese

Oscypek – what it is? Oscypek is a type of cheese made in special, decorated molds. It is smoked afterwards. The name of the cheese in Polish „oscypek” comes from the undertaking oriented towards separating wooden forms in order to get the cheese out of them. The said food product has a characteristic, fusiform shape. It […]

Top 10 places to eat breakfast in Cracow

Where to eat breakfast in Cracow? Breakfast is an exceptionally important meal, especially for a tourist. Today, we would like to recommend you places where we frequently drop by to eat something. In those spots, prices are more than affordable and the choice of meals is stunning. Typically, breakfasts are  served up to 12 A.M., […]

Restaurants in Cracow

Where to eat while in Cracow? Cracow is truly open to tourism. You will find hundreds of restaurants and cafes here. Regardless of your budget, you will surely find a place that will offer you decent food in a reasonable price. You can choose from several milk bars where the typical price of a meal […]

Cracow bagels – obwarzanki

What bagels- obwarzanki are? They are local products protected by the EU, that are made only in Cracow and in a close vicinity to the city. While being in Cracow, you have one-of-a-kind opportunity of giving them a try. Do not risk purchasing them elsewhere. History of Cracow bagels The history of those food products […]

Milk bars in Cracow

History of milk bars They are considered to be the remnants of the Communist era. In the past, they were rather unpleasant places to spend one’s free time in, as there was not much in terms of design, cutlery was aluminum, and staff there was truly unpleasant. Today, those are the establishments where customers can […]

What to eat in Cracow

Polish cuisine Polish cuisine is rather fatty and satiating in character. It is full of meat, potatoes, noodles, as well as soups that are characteristic for a given region. Our national cuisine combines eastern elements, as well as dishes that are typical for Germany and the Czech Republic. There are also numerous local specialties that […]

Sauerkraut-and-meat stew (Bigos)

What bigos is? It is a typically Polish meal that is well known and has been around since the 16th century. At the beginning, one of its basic ingredients was chopped meat. The sauerkraut base was introduced in the 18th century. What is the meal so many poets have been writing about, actually? The origin […]

Dumplings (pierogis)

What pierogi are? Dumplings (pierogi in polish) are considered to be one of the most typical Polish dishes. They are basically rolled out bits of dough with various fillings and manually closed edges having the shape of a valance. When it comes to fillings, most typical ones are meat-based (beef or pork-beef combination), cheese, mushrooms […]